Okayama University


Okayama University Eco Night 2018 takes place

July 04, 2018

To coincide with the Japanese government’s Light-down Campaign, Okayama University Eco Night 2018 was held on June 27 on open space in front of the North Facility for Student Welfare (Muscat Union) on the Tsushima Campus.

Approximately 50 people, including students, faculty, staff members and local residents participated in the event to make trinket boxes out of PET bottles, make spinning tops with bottle caps, or make bags out of English-language newspapers. Participants also learned about eco-friendly ways of living in a booth for a power generation experience and were introduced to eco-friendly activities. Following a mini-lecture session organized by the faculty of the Environmental Management Center, the student acappella circle “biripel,” which comprises singers from Okayama University and Notre Dame Seishin University, delivered a performance surrounded by lit candles. The warm light helped raise participants’ awareness of eco issues.