Radio Message from International Students
Okayama University was broadcasted an internet radio program in which international students who have come to study at Okayama University from countries all over the world talked on topics such as their life as international students, what it is like to live in Okayama City, and their research themes in English or their native languages.
-Broadcast Company: Okayama City FM “Radio Momo”
-Broadcast Period: October 2015 to March 2018
After the broadcast, a YouTube video was prepared from a recording of the broadcast program. It is possible to listen from the link below.
Mar.19, 2018 Republic of Indonesia
Feb.12, 2018 Socialist Republic of Viet Nam
Jan.8, 2018 Socialist Republic of Viet Nam
Dec.11, 2017 People's Republic of China
Nov.13, 2017 People's Republic of Bangladesh
Sep.11, 2017 Republic of Korea
Aug.14, 2017 People's Republic of China
Jul.10, 2017 People's Republic of China
Jun.12, 2017 People's Republic of China
May.8, 2017 People's Republic of China
Apr.10, 2017 Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Feb.13, 2017 Russian Federation
Feb.13, 2017 Republic of Kenya
Jan.9, 2017 Independent State of Papua New Guinea
Dec.12, 2016 Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Nov.11, 2016 People's Republic of China
Aug.8, 2016 People's Republic of China
Jul.11, 2016 Republic of Turkey
Jun.13, 2016 People's Republic of China
Apr. 11, 2016 Republic of the Union of Myanmar
March 14 2016 Republic of Madagascar, French
Feb. 8, 2016 Republic of Serbia, Serbian