国立大学法人 岡山大学


学生のための災害、事故保険制度(学研災)について Disaster and Accident Insurance System for Students (“Gakkensai”)


Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research (“Gakkensai”), and Liability Insurance coupled with “Gakkensai” (“Gakkenbai”)


 In order to ensure that students can conduct their studies and research activities and live a rewarding student life with peace of mind, it is indispensable to take sufficient precautions against accidents and other calamities.

As a compensation system in response to disasters and accidents, Okayama University offers Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research (“Gakkensai”), and Liability Insurance coupled with “Gakkensai” provided by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES), both of which provide low-premium benefit packages for injuries or accidents sustained by the student during education and
research activities.

In principle, all students are required to take out this insurance. (Students who do not take out this insurance may be refused entry to lectures and courses.)

保険の内容 Types of Insurance

(1)学生教育研究災害傷害保険 Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research

This insurance policy covers sudden and accidental physical injuries incurred while engaging in educational or research activities in Japan, or while overseas. This insurance does not cover illnesses. (Refer to the scope of cover stated below.)

担保範囲 Scope of cover 正課中,学校行事中
During regular curricular activities, and during school events
死亡保険金 Death benefits2,000万円
JPY 20 million
後遺障害保険金 Disability benefits120万円~3,000万円
JPY 1.2 million to JPY 30 million
医療保険金 Medical benefits 治療日数制限なし対象3千円~30万円
One or more days of medical treatment)JPY 3,000 to JPY 300,000
Additional benefits for hospital stays
JPY 4,000 per day
担保範囲 Scope of cover通学中,学校施設等相互間の移動中
While commuting to school or in transit between school facilities, etc.
死亡保険金 Death benefits1,000万円
JPY 10 million
後遺障害保険金 Disability benefits60万円~1,500万円
JPY 600,000 to JPY 15 million
医療保険金 Medical benefits 治療日数4日以上が対象6千円~30万円
(Four or more days of medical treatment)JPY 6,000 to JPY 300,000
入院加算金 Additional benefits for hospital stays1日につき4,000円
JPY 4,000 per day
担保範囲 Scope of cover大学に届け出た課外活動(クラブ活動)中
During extracurricular activities (club activities)
死亡保険金 Death benefits1,000万円
JPY 10 million
後遺障害保険金 Disability benefits60万円~1,500万円
JPY 600,000 to JPY 15 million
医療保険金 Medical benefits治療日数14日以上が対象3万円~30万円
(14 or more days of medical treatment)JPY 30,000 to JPY 300,000
Additional benefits for hospital stays
JPY 4,000 per day
担保範囲 Scope of cover上記以外で学校施設内にいる間
When at school facilities other than the above
死亡保険金 Death benefits1,000万円
JPY 10 million
後遺障害保険金 Disability benefits60万円~1,500万円
JPY 600,000 to JPY 15 million
医療保険金 Medical benefits治療日数4日以上が対象6千円~30万
(Four or more days of medical treatment)JPY 6,000 to JPY 300,000
Additional benefits for hospital stays
JPY 4,000 per day
  • 注1 入院加算金は,医療保険金に関係なく,入院1日目から支払われます。
  • 注2 社会人入試を経て大学に入学した社会人学生の場合は,勤務先からの通学中も補償されます。
  • Note 1: Additional benefits for hospital stays are payable from the first day.
  • Note 2: For mature students who have been admitted through the entrance examination for working people, the insurance policy is also applicable when commuting to school from work.

(2)学研災付帯賠償責任保険 Liability Insurance coupled with “Gakkensai”


 The Liability Insurance coupled with “Gakkensai” (“Gakkenbai”) covers damages for which the insured students may be held legally liable to pay for injuring a third party or damaging any property during their regular curricular activities, school events, or extracurricular activities, or in transit between school facilities.

コース名称 CourseAコース Course “A”
保険名称 Insurance name学生教育研究賠償責任保険(略称「学研賠」) Liability Insurance coupled with “Gakkensai” (“Gakkenbai”)
活動内容 Scope of activities国内外での正課中,学校行事中,課外活動(注2)中及びその往復。(Bコースの活動内容を含みます。)
Regular curricular activities, school events and extracurricular activities(Note 2) in Japan and while overseas, and commuting to and from them (Including the scope of activities in Course “B”)
* Includes pharmaceutical educational practice training ,* Excludes medical-related practice
支払限度額 Limit of coverage対人賠償と対物賠償を合わせて1事故につき1億円限度(※免責金額0円) JPY 100 million per accident combining both bodily injury and property damage (* Non-deductible)
コース名称 Course Bコース Course B
保険名称 Insurance nameインターンシップ・教職資格活動等賠償責任保険(略称「インターン賠」) Liability Insurance for Internships, ProfessionalQualification Activities, etc. ("Intern-bai")
活動内容 Scope of activities国内外でのインターンシップ,介護体験活動,教育実習,保育実習,ボランティア活動及びその往復。ただし,学校が正課,学校行事又は課外活動(注2)と位置づけている場合に限ります。 Internships, nursing care experience, educational practice, nursery practice, volunteer activities and commuting to and from them. However, they are limited to regular curricular activities, school events and extracurricular activities(Note 2) recognized by the university.
支払限度額 Limit of coverage対人賠償と対物賠償を合わせて1事故につき1億円限度(※免責金額0円) JPY 100 million per accident combining both bodily injury and property damage (* Non-deductible)
コース名称 Course Cコース Course C
保険名称 Insurance name医学生教育研究賠償責任保険(略称「医学賠」)Liability Insurance for Medical Students Pursuing Study and Research ("Igakubai")
活動内容 Scope of activities国内外での医療関連学部・(学)科の正課中,学校行事中,課外活動(注2)中及びその往復。(Aコースの活動内容を含みます。)。
※薬学教育実務実習及び医療関連実習を含みます。Medical-related practice, regular curricular activities, school events and extracurricular activities(Note 2) in Japan and while overseas, and commuting to and from them (Including the scope of activities in Course “A”)* Includes pharmaceutical educational practice training and medical-related practice
支払限度額 Limit of coverage対人賠償と対物賠償を合わせて1事故につき1億円限度(※免責金額0円) JPY 100 million per accident combining both bodily injury and property damage (* Non-deductible)
  • 注1 本学では,Aコース(医・歯学系は,Cコース)に加入していただきます。
  • 注2 課外活動とは,大学の所定の手続きにより,インターンシップ又はボランティア活動の実施を目的とした組織として承認を受けた学内学生団体が行うインターンシップ又はボランティア活動をいいます。
  • Note 1: Okayama University students are required to take out Course “A” insurance (Course “C” for medicine and dentistry).
  • Note 2: “Extracurricular activities” refer to internship or volunteer activities carried out for internship or volunteer purposes by student groups in the university approved by the academic institution in accordance with the formalities prescribed by the university/college.

保険料 Premiums

In the case where students enrolled in individual faculties, etc. purchase both “Gakkensai” and “Gakkenbai” until the end of the required period of study, the total amount of premium to pay is as follows.(Students cannot take out either “Gakkensai” or “Gakkenbai,” but not both.)

学部等 Faculties, etc.文学部,教育学部,法学部,経済学部,理学部,薬学部創薬科学科,工学部,環境理工学部,農学部,マッチングプログラムコース,グローバル・ディスカバリー・プログラム
Faculty of Letters, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Science, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Environmental Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Matching Program Course, Discovery Program for Global Learners
保険料 Premium 4,660円 JPY 4,660
保険期間 Insurance period4年間 4 year
学部等 Faculties, etc.法学部法学科(夜間主コース) ※注2
経済学部経済学科(夜間主コース) ※注2
Department of Law (Evening Course) of the Faculty of Law (Note 2) Department of Economics (Evening Course) of the Faculty of Economics (Note 2)
保険料 Premium2,760円 JPY 2,760
保険期間 Insurance period4年間 4 year
学部等 Faculties, etc. 医学部医学科,歯学部 ※注3,4
Faculty of Medicine of Medical School, Dental School (Notes 3 & 4)
保険料 Premium7,800円 JPY 7,800
保険期間 Insurance period6年間 6 years
学部等 Faculties, etc.医学部保健学科 ※注3,4 Faculty of Health Science of Medical School (Notes 3 & 4)
保険料 Premium 5,370円 JPY 5,370
保険期間 Insurance period4年間 4 year
学部等 Faculties, etc.薬学部薬学科 ※注3 Department of Pharmacy of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Note 3)
保険料 Premium6,840円 JPY 6,840
保険期間 Insurance period6年間 6 years
  • 注1 学生教育研究災害傷害保険又は学研災付帯賠償責任保険のみの加入はできません。
  • 注2 長期履修制度に申請し,許可された方は,保険期間5年間で,保険料3,450円となります。
  • 注3 医学部,歯学部及び薬学部薬学科の学生は,接触感染予防保険金支払特約にも加入していただきます。
  • 注4 医学部及び歯学部の学生は,これらの保険に加えて,別途案内しています「学研災付帯学生生活総合保険」にも加入してください。(学研災付帯学生生活総合保険のみの加入はできません。)
  • Note 1: Students cannot take out either “Gakkensai” or “Gakkenbai,” but not both.
  • Note 2: For students who have applied and been accepted into the Long-term Study Program, the amount of premium to pay with an insurance period of five years is JPY 3,450.
  • Note 3: Students enrolled in the Medical School, Dental School, or Department of Pharmacy of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences are required to buy additional coverage for the prevention of contact infection. (Included in the amounts of premiums in the above)
  • Note 4: In addition to these insurance policies, students enrolled in the Medical School or the Dental School are required to buy the Comprehensive Insurance for Student Lives Coupled with “Gakkensai.” (Students cannot buy the Comprehensive Insurance for Student Lives Coupled with “Gakkensai” alone.)

加入手続 Enrollment Procedures

Fill in the required fields (your name, student ID number, address, etc.) on the payment slip for “Gakkensai,” and pay the prescribed premium amount at a Japan Post Bank or post office.
The payment slip is available at Counter No. 5 of the Student Support Division of the Academic Affairs Department (on the 2nd floor of General Education Building “A”).

保険期間 Insurance Period

The insurance period shall commence on the day following the date of the payment of the prescribed premium amount at a Japan Post Bank or post office. (April 1 when a newly enrolled student pays by March 31)

保険金請求 及び 学籍異動(退学・休学・転学部・転学科・改姓)があった時の手続きInsurance Claim Procedures and Procedures for Students’ Change of Faculty or Department, Withdrawal, Leave of Absence, or Change of Surname

When an accident falling under the insurance policy occurs or when a student changes their faculty or department, withdraws from the University, takes a leave of absence or changes their surname, they need to immediately contact the Student Support Office, Academic Affairs Department, General Education Building “A” (2nd floor). Please follow the prescribed insurance claim procedures.

加入証明書 Certificate for Insurance Enrollment

When an accident falling under the insurance policy occurs or when a student changes their faculty or department, withdraws from the University, takes a leave of absence or changes their surname, they need to immediately contact the Student Support Office, Academic Affairs Department, General Education Building “A” (2nd floor). Please follow the prescribed insurance claim procedures.

インターンシップに参加する場合 For Participation in an Internship

When you participate in an internship program through the University (e.g., faculty, graduate school, Career Support Office), it is covered by the insurances of “Gakkensai” and “Gakkenbai,” as described above. However, these insurances are not applicable when you apply directly for an internship at a company, etc. Be sure to buy Personal Liability Insurance for Students on an individual basis, which is available at Okayama University Co-op.

「学研災」,「学研賠」のごあんない/「学研災」,「学研賠」加入者のしおり Guide to "Gakkensai", "Futaibaiseki"/Handbook for Enrollment of Liability Insurance "Gakkensai" ,"Futaibaiseki"

※ その他,請求手続きの詳細等については,こちらをご覧ください。*For more details on insurance claim procedures, see:

If you have any questions, please contact the Student Support Division, Academic Affairs Department. (TEL: 086-251-7185)
