国立大学法人 岡山大学



Application Guidelines for Enrollment Fee Exemption and Postponement of Enrollment Fee Payment for Students Enrolling in October 2024 & April 2025

申請要領(入学料免除【徴収猶予併願】・入学料徴収猶予 共通です。)[日本語英語併記]
 Application Guidelines for Enrollment Fee Exemption and Postponement of Enrollment Fee Payment[Bilingual (Japanese-English)]

入学料免除【徴収猶予併願】申請書等 一式[日本語]
 Application Forms Package for Enrollment Fee Exemption (Simultaneous Application for Exemption and Postponement of Enrollment Fee Payment)[English Version]

入学料徴収猶予申請書等 一式[日本語]
 Application Forms Package for Postponement of Enrollment Fee Payment[English Version]

Please read the Application Guidelines carefully before you apply.
All forms are required to print on one side of A4 size paper.

   ■ 収入状況等申告書(様式2又は様式留2), 
   □ 事情聴取調書(様式3又は様式留3)・・・※外国人留学生及び独立生計者の日本人学生, 
   □ 収入に関する書類, □ 特別控除等に関する書類, □ その他の書類

   ■ 経過措置としての授業料免除申請に係る調書
   ■ 日本学生支援機構(JASSO)シミュレーション結果印刷見本

2024年度 前後半期一括/後半期分 授業料免除申請要領(2024年8月上旬掲載予定)
2025年度 前後半期一括/前半期分 授業料免除申請要領(2025年2月上旬掲載予定)

Please refer to the Application Guidelines of Tuition Fee Exemption for the Semester in which you enroll and prepare the following documents from them.
   ■ (Form R2) Statement of Income Status, etc. 
   □ (Form R3) Hearing Report on the Situation of the Applicant
   □ Documents concerned with the income, □ Other Required Documents

Application Guidelines of Tuition Fee Exemption for the Second Semester AY2024(Scheduled to Update on early August, 2024)
Application Guidelines of Tuition Fee Exemption for the First Semester AY2025(Scheduled to Update on early February, 2025)


International Students enrolling as the Undergraduate School are not eligible for Application for Enrollment Fee Exemption. However, the Application for Postponement of Entrance Fee payment is applicable.

■ 土・日曜日,祝日,その他大学が業務を行わない日は申請を受付できません。
  ○学位記授与式のため     2025年3月25日
  ○学部入試及び関係業務のため 2025年1月17日~1月19日,2月25日~2月26日

We will close on Saturdays, Sundays, Public Holidays.
We will not accept applications on January 17-19, February 25-26, 2025.

岡山大学学務部学生支援課 電話(086)251-7211
Contact for this matter
Student Support Division / Phone: 086 251 7211 (Japan Domestic)

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