Message from the Head of the Department
The Stroke and Cardiovascular Disease Support Center aims to establish a total support system for cardiovascular disease patients in Okayama Prefecture. We strengthen a collaborative care network for cardiovascular diseases across the entire prefecture. Additionally, we engage in public relations activities related to disease awareness and social support, and we conduct several workshops for local medical institutions and healthcare professionals. Our goal is to build a sustainable medical care system that reaches every corner of Okayama Prefecture. Through these efforts, we aim to reduce the number of patients with stroke and heart diseases and improve the healthy life expectancy in Okayama prefecture.
Head of the Department
Yoshinobu Maeda
Features and Description of Medical Care
Okayama University Hospital established The Stroke and Cardiovascular Disease Support Center in July, 2024. The aim of this center is to "establish a comprehensive support system focused on patients with stroke, heart disease, and other cardiovascular diseases, in accordance with the Basic Plan for Cardiovascular Disease Countermeasures."
Specifically, the center provides: 1) support and consultation systems for stroke and heart disease patients and their families, 2) comprehensive support related to stroke and heart disease, such as offering rehabilitation for patients, providing consultation on treatment decision-making, offering palliative care for patients with advanced disease, and assisting in the transition of care from pediatric to adult patients, 3) awareness-raising activities for residents about stroke and heart disease through public workshops, and 4) further collaboration with regional medical institutions and providing educational opportunities for healthcare professionals.